You can see her at night, staring out the window of the house. Players also suspect she may be the mysterious woman at Emerald Ranch, purportedly the daughter of the ranch owner, who’s apparently been locked up for years and matches the description of the princess.
Princess isabella game hints how to#
The princess may be locked on the second floor of the fence, but so far no one has worked out how to access it, or any proof she’s up there. There is a dog nearby that keeps looking at the case, whining, and then looks upstairs. If you head to the stolen goods fence at the Van Horn Trading Post, there are a number of toys and a suitcase with the Luxembourg crest and the initials “I.K.Z.” written on them, which matches Isabeau Katharina Zinsmeister.

Where is the Red Dead Redemption 2 Princess Location? If you talk to people around town, a few might mention her, although none actually know what happened to Princess Isabeau.

If there’s any evidence, it should be there. She was last seen at the Van Horn Trading Post, and the reward is actually $1000. enter the tea room through the hidden passage in the fireplace. pick up the 2 pieces of mirror if you cant see them you can wait until you clear the curse. examine the pictures and remove the evil objects. examine the table and get a hidden object area. After you’ve read the reward poster, you might meet a stranger at a campsite who’ll tell you that he’s searching for the missing princess and that she’s still in the area. examine the bottom of the spiral staircase and get a hidden object area. This isn’t just a random poster, however. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is offering a $100 reward for her safe return after she went missing when she was five, but that was apparently 15 years ago. You first find out about Princess Isabeau on either a newspaper ad or a reward poster hanging at the Van Horn Trading Post, which is located at the furthest east point on the map. There are several hints that she’s somewhere in the game, but where is the Red Dead Redemption 2 princess location? Where Can You Find Out About Princess Isabeau? It’s also got a fair few questions that haven’t had a definitive answer, such as the whereabouts of Princess Isabeau Katharina Zinsmeister of Luxembourg. Red Dead Redemption 2 hides many mysteries, from the Saint Denis Vampire to UFO hotspots, to that weird time traveler dude.