As Vayne prepares to execute Shyvana, Senna convinces her not to, and they agree to lock her up in the mageseeker dungeon. They eventually manage to best Shyvana, but Viego escapes with the artifact. As they corner him, Shyvana returns and attacks, transforming into a Ruined Dragon at Vayne's provocation. The group frees themselves and venture further into the compound, Viego secures the artifact guarded by the mageseekers and they give chase to the Ruined King. At the entrance, they would be met by Shyvana, afflicted by the Black Mist, and the half-dragon would attempt to bury them beneath rubble. The Sentinels discovered that the Harrowing was focused around the Mageseeker Compound and Vayne accompanied them to the epicenter of the attack. Vayne took shelter in the Singing Swan Tavern and encountered Gwen, Lucian, Senna, and a Sentinel Rookie seeking more information about the origin of the Harrowing. A few weeks later, Demacia would be sieged by another Harrowing. She helped repel the army of wraiths alongside Poppy and discovered a mysterious crest belonging to the Sentinels of Light. Vayne was present at the Great City of Demacia when Viego unleashed Harrowings across Runeterra. Vayne swiftly dispatched the shapechanger and avenged the man. Vayne confronted the woman, revealing that she knows that she is a therian and transformed her husband in an attempt to devour him.

After tracking him down, she would put him out of his misery and take his body back to his wife. Vayne would take a job from a woman in Demacia, her husband had become a monster that attacked the countryside. Vayne now resumes her hunt for the demon that killed her parents as well as any other monsters that prey upon Runeterra. Frey quickly returned to her human form and tried to explain that she became a shaman to combat the Ice Witch, but Vayne fired a bolt through her heart and any affection she felt died with her. In order to protect her, Frey transformed into a Freljordian wolf and tore the priest's throat with a single bite. Before she could express her concerns, they would be ambushed by one of the cultists, injuring Vayne. As they tracked the demon to her lair, Vayne felt fear that she would lose her mother figure again. One day they would catch rumor of the horned demon that had slayed Vayne's parents, she had established a cult designed to do her bidding and lure more victims. They would frequently travel outside of Demacia to hunt their prey and tales of their valor would spread across Valoran. However, she was suspicious as to how her teacher had such an in depth understanding of dark magics. Vayne would spend the next several years training and hunting with Frey, growing closer with her mentor and eventually seeing her as a maternal figure. Seeing Vayne's determination, Frey would agree to train her and the two would return to Demacia. Vayne challenged the Freljordian to a duel, if she won, Frey would have to train her, but if she lost, she would offer herself as bait for the Ice Queen's minions. Determining that an aristocrat wouldn't have the resolve to fight against the forces of darkness, she refused, but Vayne would not take no for answer.

Frey explained that she dedicated her life to fighting the Ice Witch's forces, after they killed her children, and Vayne implored her to take her on as a student. She introduced herself as Frey and bandaged Vayne's wounds. As the troll prepared to consume the young aristocrat, he would fall dead to spear of a grizzled, middle-aged woman. While traversing the frozen tundra, Vayne would be trapped by a ravenous ice troll. She would travel to the Freljord to search for her teacher, learning of the Iceborn warriors who battled the Ice Witch from the stories her parents used to tell her.
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Driven by her parent's death, Vayne would seek out a mentor, someone who could teach her how to combat the forces of darkness.

The people of Demacia found it inconceivable that a demon would be able to slip past their defenses and murder her parents, but Vayne knew better. Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, Vayne would return to home to find her parents dead, killed by a horned demon. She experienced a privileged childhood, being able to enjoy solitary pursuits such as reading, learning music, and collecting insects. Shauna Vayne was born to House Vayne, a wealthy, noble family in Demacia.